Shopping Uncovered is a shopper report exploring how we shop today.

What drives people to buy? Does it change if your core shopper is a Millennial or a Boomer? And what impact does category have?

To attempt to answer these questions we surveyed more than a thousand home and leisure shoppers. The findings will be unveiled in Shopping Uncovered – How We Really Shop, launching later this month.

This shopper report is intended to help retailers and brands make more informed decisions about marketing and developing their presence online and in-store.


What influences us to buy?

Many studies have attempted to identify the factors that influence our shopping decisions. There are common themes that pop up time and time again, but until now nobody has a formula for what drives us.

We have combined all of that thinking into one to create six key potential drivers – forces that pull us in one direction or another. By identifying these indictors we can then test the power of influence by category and across three generations – Millennials (18-29), generation X (30-49) and boomers (50-70). We call them the ‘shopping forces’.


The six shopping forces

  • Price – I try to find the lowest price and am tempted by a bargain
  • Need to touch – I need to see and touch a product
  • Experiential – I get pleasure from browsing and the whole shopping experience
  • Education – I benefit from advice and education when making purchases
  • Brand – Brand names matter and influence what I choose
  • Social – I find the opinion of others reassuring and like to see reviews

Understanding the unique combination of these six forces on an audience and category can undoubtedly lead to better marketing solutions.

For example, if we know that your audience is price driven, but you can’t compete in this area, then understanding which of the other factors count will help give your marketing more focus and deliver better results.

Our Shopping Uncovered report focuses on the six core categories within home and leisure: furniture, homewares, DIY and garden equipment, fitness and sports equipment and apparel, travel and entertainment.

To find out what influences your target audience, register to receive your free copy of Shopping Uncovered – How We Really Shop here.


Sue Benson, Managing Director